A Berlin start up

Code Academy Berlin was founded with a vision to create a uniquely welcoming, local learning environment for talents from all over the world. Taking and adapting what we learned being involved in other Tech Bootcamps, we strongly believe that starting a new career is more than just acquiring knowledge; it’s a journey. You’ll unlock new skills and strengths, discover new ideas, and be inspired by the professional and cultural diversity of your peers. Personal care meets community spirit as we celebrate our successes together.

Meet the team

Our team combines expertise in digital training with a deep understanding of the Berlin market and its needs. Drawing from our solid, mutual understanding of what makes a great Developer or Analyst, our curriculum is crafted from our own professional coding backgrounds, as well as our personal experience as bootcamp graduates; our learning methodology links these insights with industry best-practices. We would be happy to invite you to our campus for a personal discussion in which we examine your options, map out your goals, and explore your new career path.


Coming from a background in history and political science, Jost graduated as a Master in Business Coaching and Change Management. With a decade of experience as recruiter, job-coach and career-consultant, he brings a unique knowledge of the Berlin job market. During your classes he will assure your best preparation in the process of application via individual coaching sessions and workshops.
    Catch-phrase "Fetch more APIs"
    Favorite spot "Bornholmer Hütte Beergarden & Bowling"
    Fun fact "I have the same middle-name as Santa"


A true career changer: she traded slinging cocktails for puzzling through code. Code Academy tried and tested, she leveled-up from student to mentor and is delighted to continue brainstorming project ideas and solving problems. The endorphin rush from solving a JavaScript challenge keeps her spirits high and energy level up!
    Catch-phrase "Waste not, want not!"
    Favorite spot "Schlachtensee"
    Fun fact "Compulsively collects elastic bands and glass jars."


Before co-founding Code Academy Berlin, Lucas was an aerospace engineer and has strong industrial experience working within the IT industry. For over five years, he worked in software architecture for Airbus in France. Passionate about travel, Lucas roamed the globe until he passed by Berlin… and never left. As a developer and problem solver, you’ll find that Lucas is always keen to jump onto new projects and discuss ideas, no matter how challenging they may seem.
    Catch-phrase "Hold my beer!"
    Favorite spot "Tempelhofer Feld"
    Fun fact "He is very slow at typing for a developer!"


A retired architect, Muayad decided to shake things up after exploring diverse fields and cities. He took a daring leap into the world of data science and found his calling in Berlin. You'll find him soaking in the vibrant city life, exploring the wonders of places and nature. He savors mouthwatering dishes, but don't let him near the kitchen! Muayad is on a mission to encourage students to embrace the joy of learning and unlock their own data-driven adventures.
    Catch-phrase "When nothing goes right… Go left!"
    Favorite spot "Klunkerkranich"
    Fun fact "I can sleep anywhere. Once I fell asleep while walking."


Originally from Spain, Raúl came to Berlin one day and loved the city so much that it’s being already 10 years working and living here. Studied Economics in Salamanca, and worked for various international pharmaceutical companies, and also led his own start-up to success. In this city, he discovered not only the kneipen with the cheapest beer, but also his passion about Coding, so he decided to change his career and jump into it . As a web mentor, he will coach you with knowledge, patience and almost inexhaustible good humour. Besides coding, he is also a passionate cook and diver, and he will happily organize you the most amazing travel around Spain.
    Catch-phrase "Smells like cinnamon, but it is poison, but it smells like cinnamon…"
    Favorite spot "Any U8 Stop after Feierabend."
    Fun fact "He can cook a steak for 48 hours, to be eaten in 15 minutes."


Coming from a strong engineering background, Killian worked in design, automation and process engineering in the aircraft and pharma industries before coming to Berlin. After two years as logistics lead for a small company, he decided to re-skill in data science. Killian’s passion for working on energy saving projects in resource-intensive industries and keeping up with emerging technologies will be an asset to students looking to use their newfound skills to make a difference.
    Catch-phrase "That’s Numberwang!"
    Favorite spot "Boulderklub Kreuzberg"
    Fun fact "He helped found a full contact historical sport fighting federation."


Former architect, Ottavia studied and worked in several countries before coming to Berlin. Here, after following an academy of programming herself, she co-founded Code Academy Berlin. Now she works in Italy as Full Stack developer for a tech company, but you might get to see her around from time to time!
    Catch-phrase "A day ends better with an aperitif"
    Favorite spot "Admiralbrücke"
    Fun fact "I admit it, I eat pasta everyday"