Choosing between our courses

Both paths offer exciting opportunities in high demand in the Berlin tech industry. Consider your interests, career goals, and don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with one of advisors to help choosing which course aligns best with your aspirations.

Talk to our advisors

Our methodology

The IT sector is driven by innovation and fast-paced business. Our learning methodology seeks to train you in a way that ensures long-term success.

Practical training

In order to successfully master coding as a skill, you need to experience how it works at every step. Our learn-by-doing approach supplies you with necessary resources and support, but we trust you to take ownership of your journey, learning to create, change, and optimize your own code.

Problem solving thinking

Sustainable learning is continuous learning. We encourage you to question your strategies, solutions, and perceptions, adapting continuously as you gain experience. We want to challenge you not only on a technical level, but also in your associate thinking.

Coding is creative

Our methodology encourages independent learning. Learn to conduct your own research, and establish your own ways of mastering your tasks. Being a motivated self-learner will allow you to adapt to the requirements of an ever-changing tech industry job market, even long after you have finished your time with us. These skills can be just as valuable to an employer as your technical know-how.

Agile Scrum

The modular structure of our classes simulates agile project management, providing a smooth transition into a role in a tech company. Similar to your future career as a developer or analyst, we start the day with daily stand-up meetings with your mentors. Each project starts with a kick-off workshop, the work is divided into sprints, and you will present your final results in an open setting. This approach means we can always keep track of your progress and adjust the tempo individually.
